About us

Who is Cirican?

We are a new organisation established by 18 members of the Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE) to provide research and consultancy services in the areas and places we know well.

Why Cirican?

Our mission is to deliver collaborative, co-produced, and community-embedded consultancy work. As a network of rural based experts, our connections and experience offer a unique and unrivalled research and consultancy service.

What we can offer you…

  • RESEARCH & ANALYSIS – Policy research, analysis and evaluations to support social, economic and environmental development across rural and coastal areas
  • FEASIBILITY & DESIGN – Undertaking feasibility studies for new programmes or ideas bringing design-led thinking
  • MONITORING & EVALUATION – Assessing the impact of large grant funded government programmes and other projects
  • COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT – Advising on community engagement strategies, facilitating consultation and partnership development
  • STRATEGY & DEVELOPMENT – Business strategy development for rural and coastal development. This includes Local Development Strategies and Business Plans

Examples of our work

As a partnership of organisations from across the country, each member brings their own skills, expertise and place based knowledge to our work. Below are various examples of work undertaken by our partners which showcase the range experience and level of quality our partners could bring to your project, organisation or piece of work.

This report was developed by Cirican member Rose Regeneration through funding from the South West Voluntary and Community Sector Emergency Partnership. It features the work of a number of ACRE members and provides some fascinating highlights about good practice in responding to food poverty during the pandemic.

The following toolkit was developed by the National Centre for Rural Health and Care and Rural England and is to be piloted by Cirican members, working with new ICS systems. For more information contact: Ivan.Annibal@roseregeneration.co.uk